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We are together
"Kamer esam kopā, mums nav nekā neiespējama"

Aim of the project:
- The study of ethnology, cultural and folk traditions of the world;
- Develop an understanding of and respect for different national traditions;

Objectives: Development of national originality and a sense of national identity.

- Carrying out major holidays aimed at enhancing the knowledge of cultural traditions of various nations;
- The organization of festivals, concerts and exhibitions;
- The study of folklore and art;
- Training of traditional crafts;
- The creation of a children's program 
"Holidays and customs of the peoples
of the world."

Description of the project.
The world around us is full of amazing places that fill us with strength and happiness. These places are remembered thanks to the remarkable Saints who lived or still live there. Such journeys and pilgrimages bring grains of meaningfulness into our fussy weekdays 
and help not to lose the meaning of life. Within the project "Explore the world", every month we organize atrip to the holy place, to give you an opportunity to fill hearts with love and peace. These trips are different from ordinary excursions. After all, we're not going to just look at the architecture or icons. We're going to be able to communicate with teachers, to somehow serve others by giving part of our attention or labor and getting in return something more than just a "thank you."

Here are some places that we visit regularly:
- Holy Spirit male Monastery;
- Pühtitsa Convent;
- Savior and Transfiguration Monastery;
- Saint Alexander Nevsky Monastery;
- Kerala (South India);
- The Himalayas;
- Vrindavan, Mayapur, Puri (India), etc.

In the future we plan to make more trips to the reserved places in Latvia, so that everyone has the opportunity together with family and friends to feel the power of earth and wisdom of the ancestors. We are happy to hear your suggestions for the development of the 
project "Explore the world" by phone. +371 28266145 or e-mail:

Articles and news 33
21 June 2024
24 June 2023
21 June 2023
Семинар Олега Торсунова на фестивале
15 October 2022
24 June 2022
Программа 24 июня
23 June 2022
Программа 23 июня
22 June 2022
Программа 22 июня
21 June 2022
Программа 21 июня
15 December 2021
Sekojiet mums jums ērtāk piejamā sociālajā tīklā
21 June 2021
Программа Лиго пикника по дням
23 May 2021
Фотосессия - лучшее средство для поднятия настроения
26 October 2020
10 добрых фильмов, пропитанных теплом и уютом
22 September 2020
22 сентября - День Осеннего равноденствия.
22 September 2020
Осень Осень
15 September 2020
Фото с нашего осеннего Svet Camp
22 March 2020
Я выбираю счастье
21 February 2020
1 July 2019
Благодарим участников фестиваля Солнцестояния Sunfest
13 April 2019
Сдаем помещение
3 April 2019
24 December 2018
Sveicam visus brīnumainajos Ziemassvētkos!
22 August 2018
фестиваль "КИНОСВЕТ"!
22 August 2018
Svētgrīvas 2018
25 April 2017
День добрых в "Святоустье"
21 April 2017
Vēlam Priecīgas un Gaišas Lieldienas!
25 January 2017
Поздравляем с праздниками Рождества и Нового года!
17 November 2016
Dāvanu karte Radi2005
1 November 2016
Субботник в "Святоустье"
3 May 2016
Приглашаем всех на День Рождения!
26 October 2015
Būvdarbi Svētgrīvās no 26.09.- 27.09.
29 September 2015
Видео-отчет о фестивале "Святоустье 2015"
25 September 2015
Radugas dzimšanas diena
19 February 2015
О празднике Шиваратри
Archive events 20
21 - 25 June 2024
Festivāls SUNFEST
18 December 2021 12:00 - 16:00
Мастеркласс «Год Мечты»
19 September 2021 11:00 - 17:00
Rudens ekvinokcija
12 November 2019 10:00 - 17:00
Vēdiskā pašizziņas spēle “ Leela” (Lila)
4 - 5 March 2019 20:30 - 1:00
Maha Shivaratri
4 - 5 March 2019 17:45 - 7:45
25 December 2018 12:00 - 18:00
С волшебным праздником Рождества!
6 October 2018 15:00 - 17:00
Uzlādējiet bērnus ar pozitīvismu – sporta spēles visai ģimenei
17 August 2018 12:00 - 14:00
Mandir Pravesh Yagya
8 - 15 July 2018 11:00 - 17:00
Vasaras nometne “KinoKlase”
27 - 31 March 2018 8:00 - 16:00
Jaunā laikmeta līderis
23 December 2017 15:00 - 18:00
Aicinām svinēt Jauno gadu draugu lokā!
30 November 2017 18:30 - 20:30
Rokdarbu pulciņš
2 - 6 July 2017
Movie and television festival "MOVIELIGHT" for children
25 December 2016 17:00
Jaunais gads
13 March 2016 11:30
ģimenes svētki- Masļenica
7 March 2016 17:00
Maha Šiva Ratri SVĒTKI
25 October 2015 12:30 - 16:00
Brīvais Tirdziņš
5 March 2015 18:00 - 19:00
Sarunas par Gaura Purnimu
17 February 2015 17:00
Maha Šiva Ratri